10 Harmful Effects Of Skipping Breakfast

10 Harmful effects of skipping breakfast

You all must have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While many people enjoy a hearty breakfast in the morning, many others skip it due to waking up late or are in a hurry to go to work.

Skipping breakfast is one of the worst habits. If it becomes a daily habit, it will bring you some side effects.

Here are 10 harmful effects of skipping breakfast.

1. Your Blood Sugar Level Drops

Your blood sugar level drops

Eating in the morning helps stabilise the levels of sugar in the blood. By skipping breakfast, you will end up feeling tired, dizziness and overly hungry.

2. Affects Metabolism

Affects metabolism

As breakfast is the first meal of the day, it gives a boost up to your metabolism and helps you burn more calories throughout the day. Skipping breakfast means you’re starting your day at a slower pace because your body slows down to conserve energy.

3. Bad For Your Heart

Bad for your heart

The study revealed that people who skip breakfast are 27% more prone to heart attacks than people who have their regular breakfast. This, in turn, leads to development of chronic cardiovascular health issues, clogging of arteries as well as stroke.

4. Causes Migraine

Causes migraine

Skipping breakfast causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels in the body, which can raise blood pressure and can trigger migraine in some people.

5. Risk of Type-2 Diabetes

Risk of type-2 diabetes

Skipping breakfast is associated with a higher risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
In a recent study, skipping breakfast just one day a week may raise the risk of developing type-2 diabetes by 6%.
Skipping breakfast for 4-5 days a week elevates that risk to 55%.
Doctors typically recommend lifestyle changes to avoid developing type-2 diabetes.

6. Affects Your Cognitive Functioning

Affects your cognitive functioning

Breakfast has a direct effect on blood sugar levels. Optimal cognitive function requires the maintenance of a stable blood sugar level. The brain performs best when the blood sugar level is in the range of 80-120 mg/dL.
A number of studies have reported that people who skip breakfast are more likely to experience a decline in cognitive function.

7. Hair Loss

Hair loss

Foods with low levels of proteins could affect the levels of keratin, which triggering hair loss as well as preventing the growth of the hair. Protein is an important component of breakfast as it plays a major role in promoting growth of hair follicles.

8. Risk Of Cancer

Risk of cancer

Since skipping breakfast leaves you hungry, overindulge in food during the day time is often the case. This in turn paves the way for the increased prevalence of obesity. Being overweight or obese exposes you to increased risk of developing certain cancers.

9. Irregularities in Menstrual Cycle

Irregularities in menstrual cycle

One study has shown that skipping breakfast is associated with menstrual disorders. It also includes irregular menstrual bleeds and painful menses.

10. Weight Gain

Weight gain

People who miss breakfast had higher chances of gaining weight rather than losing weight. Those who skip breakfast tend to consume more calories during lunch and dinner. This could contribute to weight gain and obesity in the long run.

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